Saturday, June 1, 2019

Mirror for Man - A Logical Conclusion :: Mirror for Man Essays

Mirror for Man- A Logical Conclusion Kluckhohn explains the differences and similarities among people of the world as culture. Culture, in this instance, spans a variety of atomic number 18as. To begin with, culture is the focusing a person was raised. In addition, its the values a person was taught. Finally, culture is related to mans biological needs. Habits that a person is taught as a youngster allow for influence the rest of his life. Societies have a tendency to have apparent habits that their people live by, First, education is one example. To explain, in some areas of the world children are sent to school until they are 18 and in others they are never educated. Second, what people eat is part of their culture. In Italy people eat pasta on the other hand in Israel people eat fallafels. Finally, a persons dress is influenced by which society he lives in. To further explain, in the U.S. women wear anything from dresses to pants, but before long in Iran women wear dresses only and must wear a veil to cover their face. Certain societies have values that influence their people. Different civilizations have distinct social values. First, marriages are treated differently. In the U.S. most women feel that polygamy by a man isnt acceptable. Women feel jealous and furthermore it is illegal. On the other hand, a woman of Koryak, Siberia, would not comprehend how a woman could be so selfish and so unwanting of another woman in the house as to respect to restrict her husband to one mate. Certain countries also have religion while others dont. For example, in the U.S.S.R. atheism is the way of the State in many Mid-East countries Mohammed is worship and the Koran is a sacred book. Third, bigotry is not something people are born with, but are taught. Little children play with anyone regardless of color, sex, or religion. Unfortunatly, adults ferment jealous or dislike a person, and instead of disliking the individual, they will dislike the individuals race, religion, sex, or anything else they can find to dispise. The adults will then teach the children their beliefs and the hatred becomes a never ending chain. Similarities are shown by the fact that man has biological functions that cant be ignored. Men of all societies cant ignore nature. To start, all men have the kindred life cycle. This cycle is that all men are born and all men eventually die.

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