Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write the Conclusion of an Essay

How to Write the Conclusion of an EssayHow to write the conclusion of an essay is a question that often comes up in discussion and writing workshops. This often makes the topic quite controversial and it's a good question to have for your reader. With this in mind, it is a must to be as clear as possible as to what you want your conclusion to say and how you are going to get there. It will also tell the reader where you're heading.The question of how to write the conclusion of an essay does not have an easy answer. Not everyone has the same background. Some people have lived in a country for years and have a greater understanding of the culture and history. Others are only beginning to grasp the ideas behind the essay.The best way to write the conclusion of an essay is to start by getting your reader as much information as possible. Keep the reader reading so they can reach their own conclusions. Begin by writing the title of the essay. The title will tell the reader what the author is looking to accomplish with the essay. And by knowing the title, you'll know where you want the readers to go.Some people choose to write about their thoughts and feelings while others write from the heart. Whichever way the essay is written, it will speak to readers emotions and feelings. The title gives you direction but it doesn't necessarily need to be the whole story. Be as creative as you can with the title.To avoid confusion, you should put the topic and the theme for the essay at the very top of the paper. This will help to tie everything together. You should read the essay and decide if you agree with the main idea or not.How to write the conclusion of an essay depends on whether or not the essay is an argumentative essay or a non-argumentative essay. Arguments have premises and conclusions. The goal is to explain both and finish with a conclusion. Non-argumentative essays are usually not argued with so the writer needs to bring the essay up to the reader's attention and purpose. It can be in any form of language.The conclusion has to be concise. The reader doesn't want to sit through your conclusion if it's too long. If you end with a thesis statement, that's fine, but if you leave the conclusion vague, then it will leave the reader hanging.Write the conclusion of your essay in the last sentence. Don't think of your conclusion as a paragraph to be read at the end. The last sentence is the summary of the entire essay.

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