Friday, December 27, 2019

Should Buying Lottery Tickets - 859 Words

â€Å"More lottery tickets were spent than video games, movie tickets, books and sporting events combined† (â€Å"Inside America†). About 1 in 2 million of those lottery tickets are winners. People should stop buying lottery tickets every day because it’s a waste of money, playing the lottery isn’t good for you because it’s addictive. Winning the lottery can be scary and have financial issues. People should stop buying lottery tickets every day because it’s a waste of money. Just think, what if your child was sick and in the hospital and you need to pay the hospital bills? You can’t pay them because you just spent all your money on lottery tickets. Another reason why buying lottery tickets are a waste of money is because maybe someone lost their job and are worried about getting their rent paid on time because they spent their last paycheck on lottery tickets. That person also doesn’t have money to buy a car or doesn’t have the money to get gas to. That’s why people shouldn’t buy lottery tickets because those are some reasons of what can happen to a person when they spend their money carelessly. People should stop buying lottery tickets because it can become an addiction. The effects of a gambling addiction are crazy and it can get very bad mentally and financially. For instance, before 2005 â€Å" A woman named† Sandra Adell had never stepped foot into a casino, before one of her girlfriends at the time a 59-year-old educator at the university of Wisconsin- Madison asked Adell if sheShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Odds And Against The Common Good990 Words   |  4 Pages The lottery in this country is a big past time for Americans. It gives hope to the hopeless and disappointment to a multitude of participants. A quick view of statistical information regarding the lottery shows that out of all people who take part in this country wide phenomenon, each individual person has a 1 in 175,223,510 chance of hitting the jackpot ( The author of â€Å"Against The Odds and Against the Common Good†, argues that the state lotteries are â€Å"urgingRead MoreAnalysis of Against the Odds and Against the Common Good1735 Words   |  7 PagesCommon Good. States should neither allow nor encourage state-run lotteries. There are five major arguments that people use to defend lotteries. One is that most lotteries are run honestly, but if gambling is harmful to society it is irrelevant to argue if they are honest or not. The second is that lotteries create jobs, but there are only a small handful of jobs that would be eliminated if lotteries were put out of business. Another argument that would support keeping lotteries is that, other thanRead MoreThe Lottery Ticket791 Words   |  4 Pagesbought a lottery ticket every week in hopes of winning and not having to declare bankruptcy to pay off some loans. I never had any luck until the day I will always remember: December 11th. December 10th started out as any other day. Before, I went to work as a waitress; I went to the local supermarket to buy a Lotto 649 ticket. The jackpot that week was worth approximately 30 million dollars. The numbers I picked were the same as always: 7, 17, 18, 21, 39 and 44. After buying the lottery ticket, I wentRead MoreThe Issue Of The Lottery1385 Words   |  6 Pagesit. There are, however still things that plays a part in our everyday life that we don t see the moral issue behind. Like the lottery. I had never thought about the lottery as a moral concept until I saw an old tupac interview. In the interview he stated his opinions on poverty, wealth, and the lottery. The part that got me thinking was when he said, â€Å"I mean, nobody should be hitting Lotto for 36 million and we got people starving in the streets. That is not idealistic, that’s just real†.That quoteRead MoreThe Principle Of The Distributive View Of Equality1643 Words   |  7 Pagesdistributive equality, people should be compensated materially if they suffer in the outcome of bad brute luck because having bad brute luck is out of their control, and it is not related to their previous decision. In contrast, people should not be compensated, if they suffer in the outcome of bad option luck since having bad option luck is related to their pervious decision, and people are responsible for their decision makings (whether the outcome is good or not), so the people should not be compensatedRead MoreThe Lottery Offers A Wonderful Opportunity1395 Words   |  6 PagesThe lottery offers a wonderful opportunity to possibly win millions of dollars. While this might seems amazing, it might not be as wonderful as imagined. In fact, maybe even the opposite might true as stated by numerous studies and research done since the 1970s. Lotteries have been reported to have possibly started all the way back in the Han Dynasty early 200 B.C. The first official record of a public lottery was in 1434 from the Dutch town of Sluis. The original idea of the lottery was to helpRead MoreFirst Go Essay856 Words   |  4 PagesThe author referred to First come/first served as â€Å"’queuing,’ allocates a limited resource based on the order in which people request it.† (Velasquez, 2005, Pg. 11) On the same page, he explained this approach as best used to sell movie and concert tickets by concert and cinemas organizers. Business who carry a limited number of supplies, need to establish expectations in order to move their supplies quickly; hence, creating scarcity, once they are out of stock. Customers are prone to act swiftly whenRead MoreLottery Is Good or Not1635 Words   |  7 PagesIs lottery a good idea? These days, a lot of people play lottery and spend a certain amount of money on it while few of them earn back what they spend. Someone says lottery is a kind of tax collected by the government on peoples’ luck and desire to be rich. In another aspect, lottery is also gambling, and it could make people to be a millionaire in a night if the person is lucky enough, however, it has a negative effect that it causes inequality, crimes and so on. So lottery is not a positive ideaRead MorePierre Elliot Trudeau Essay739 Words   |  3 PagesRights and Freedom, and the liberalization of laws on abortion, homosexuality and the legalization of lotteries. These are only a few of the many accomplishments that Pierre Trudeau achieved for Canada while his position in Parliament that was important. Pierre Trudeau first brought out the official language act of Canada in 1969. He presented the Canadian population with the beliefs that Canada should have two official languages, French and English. These would serve two purposes, one of them beingRead Moreis lottery a good idea Essay1781 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿Is Lottery a Good Idea? Lottery is one of the best things that has ever happened to human kind especially those that dream high and but their dreams don’t come to life because they don’t have what it takes to make it happen. Lotteries are in various categories such as sweep stakes, scratch off, the Jackpot and even the green card lottery. The lottery that is being focused in this argument is the jackpot one. When individuals or people in general buy the lottery ticket their hopes are high, and

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Asian Immigration And The United States - 2508 Words

Harmony Xu Asian Am 30W Final Paper Since immigration gates reopened in 1965 with the passing of the Taft-Hartley Act, Asian immigration has risen into the seven digits. Over the past few decades, Asians have established themselves amongst American society to the extent where Asian American Studies has become a subject of study amongst the most prestigious universities in the United States. Starting off as merely numbers, cheap numbers, that is, to plantation owners and railroad companies, the generations formed from these first migrants—the children and grandchildren of the first Asian settlers on American soil have fought for their rights in the Land Of The Free. These immigrants not only have achieved their right to be treated no†¦show more content†¦Liu grew up in Poughkeepsie, New York to Chinese immigrant parents from Taiwan. His Wikipedia page refers to him simply as an â€Å"American writer† as opposed to many Asian American figures who has their ethnic background noted before â€Å"Ame rican† in their description. Liu refers to himself as a â€Å"banana† where he is white by acclamation, and much like the claims of Takao Ozawa of the landmark court case in 1992—he does not physically look white. This clash would be the root of Liu’s struggle with his ethnic identity and race growing up. Liu did not grow up with a â€Å"tiger mom† in the likes of Amy Chua , but a relaxed father who spoke English better than typical Chinese immigrants and a mother who only wanted him to be a â€Å"good boy†. Eric Liu happily and completely assimilated into American culture, and it was not until after he was married in his late twenties did he begin to question his Chinese identity. For Eric Liu, his assimilation â€Å"began long before he was born†. For Eric Liu, he was completing his parents’ assimilation—parents whom immigrated to America with human and financial capital. In comparison to his peers, Eric Liu never knew how he was different aside from what he saw in the mirror because Eric Liu was raised in a middle class family. A mirror of the real life struggles of the Chinese fleeing China on the tail of a Japanese

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Todays World is a Dangerous Place free essay sample

Can you remember 9-11? Most people know about infamous act of terrorism. Unfortunately, it was not the only one. Some people say that the world is becoming a better place in which to live, but we are exposed to an increasing number of dangerous situations. Hence, I think that the world is a dangerous place in which to live for several reasons. Firstly, we are living in an era of wars. There aren’t any big wars such as World War II, but there are many acts of violence and threats of mass destruction. These are due to terrorism and experimentation on nuclear weapons. Besides, we often hear of suicide bombers in Iraq and the building of nuclear weapons by North Korea. Therefore, it is difficult to say that today’s world is a safer one. Moreover, we face, see and hear about a lot more crime today than we did in the past. We will write a custom essay sample on Todays World is a Dangerous Place or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If you watch the news, you will hear about a lot of crime such as hijack, killing or kidnap. Some murderers are psychopaths who don’t have any feelings. They kill people without reasons. If you have heard of any kidnap cases, you will notice that they are very violent and cruel, sometimes involving torture. Not only do they ask for ransom, they sometimes sell the victims to brothels. Thus, it is scary to think that what is in the news can happen to us at any time. Apart from that, some people die because of money. Nowadays, it is difficult to live without money. So people work hard to earn money. Some try to make ends meet by cheating others or gambling. If they get into a desperate situation, they may borrow money from loan sharks. Loan sharks are notorious for threatening people who can’t return the money in time. Debtors sometimes commit suicide because of the threats. Hence, money can become a knife for people to kill themselves. In conclusion, these are just some of the dangers. There are more dangerous situations involving gangsters, drugs and accidents. We don’t know when misfortune may befall us so we have to be cautious all the time.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

What Would You Do If The Constitution Said You Were Just As Good As Ev

What would you do if the Constitution said you were just as good as everyone else but some people still acted as if you were something they had just scraped off their shoe? This sort of thing happens to millions of people on a regular basis. Americans of African, Asian, or Mexican descent are all subject to this kind of treatment. Caucasians are as well, but it is not as publicly notarized as the aforementioned. Most of these feelings towards another of a different skin color are deeply rooted in our minds from previous generations. Many, many years ago, African-Americans were used as slaves. The slave owners treated them badly. The owner's own children then grew up with the same ideals and passed them on to the new generation. Through the years, people have spoke out about these ill-conceived ideas making the ominous threat of racism more discreet than ever before. While in a search online, I discovered a numbered list of Klu Klux Klan, Aryan, Skinhead, and many other white supremacist groups. I was shocked when I saw how many this one list had. It listed over 800 different groups. I know that number is not nearly accurate because there are many smaller groups that have not yet made themselves known publicly. Even people that do not belong in these racially biased groups perform some acts of racism. Racial profiling- the discriminatory practice by police of treating blackness (or brown-ness) as an indication of possible criminality. Driving While Black (or brown) is a campaign started by the American Civil Liberties Union because a study showed that minorities only make up 16% of all drivers, yet they are 74% of all drivers stopped and searched. Generally, only 12 to 13 percent of the U.S. citizens are African American, although Black inmates make up 40.29 percent of death row's population. As of 1996, there have been 232 citizens executed under the death penalty since 1977. Only one white person has been put to death for the murder of a black person. One perfect example of true racial profiling and discrimination is this next story. Danny Glover, a famous African-American actor, was in New York City. It was late at night and he was trying to hail a cab. None of the cabs would stop and pick him up because of the fact that he was an African-American male. Stereotypical views like those of the cabby's are not rare. When a black person does not wear baggy jeans or say slang phrases such as, Yo homie, sup, people would often describe that particular person as being too white. Similarly, if a white person plays basketball or listens to rap music, we might think of him or her as being too black. All because of the stereotypical views implanted by the media and our ancestors in our brains. Movies, music, and yes, even Looney Tunes, all put these ideas in our heads. Movies with the constant violence committed by minorities against whites are ridiculous. As aforementioned, Looney Tunes also bring these ideals into the heart of our youth. You wake up early on a Saturday morning to watch you favorite cartoon. When it comes on you gasp in horror as a Hillbilly tickles one of the Natives until he backs off a cliff, plummeting hundreds of feet to his death. Have you ever noticed how all of the Chinese characters have slanted eyes, buckteeth, and were accompanied by a ringing gong in the background? I have. Then there's little Sambo, he was one of the few African-American characters on Looney Tunes. He was absolutely adorable but incredibly half-witted. I believe all of this is absolutely ridiculous. Nobody should be putting these ideas into anyone's head. It only makes one wonder...Will Martin Luther King JR's vision of a color-blind society where everyone is equal and treated equal, ever come into existence? One can only hope so. I believe and will always believe that all men, and women, were created equal and they deserve to be treated that way. No one has the right to make decisions on who belongs here on earth or not. That is God's decision and no one else has the right to make that type of decision. But